
13.11.2024 - LCA Critical Review Statement_Malt Crop 2023

At the end of the evaluation process, we are proud to announce that Adriatica S.p.A. - Italmalt plant for malt produced with barley from the crop 2023 has obtained the important "Critical Review" statement from the...

07.03.2024 - ESG Certificate Evaluation

We are proud to announce that Adriatica S.p.A. got a ESG certificate with an overall score B: Good Level of Sustainability. The certificate was obtained through the dedicated Synesgy platform operated by CRIBIS D&B...

18.04.2023 - LCA certification barley Crop 2022

At the end of the evaluation process we are proud to announce that Adriatica S.p.A. - Italmalt Plant, also for the crop 2022, has obtained the important certificate of validation by the certification body CCPB SRL which...

08.03.2023 - Adriatica S.p.A. - Italmalt plant and Quality Certification

With a view to the continuous improvement necessary to guarantee high quality standards to be offered to all interested parties, Adriatica S.p.A. - Italmalt plant has successfully passed the surveillance audit for of the...

15.04.2022 - Adriatica S.p.A. - Italmalt plant and Quality Certification

With a view to the continuous improvement necessary to guarantee high quality standards to be offered to all interested parties, Adriatica S.p.A. - Italmalt plant has successfully passed the audit for the renewal of the...

11.11.2021 - LCA certification barley Crop 2021

At the end of the evaluation process we are proud to announce that Adriatica S.p.A. - Italmalt Plant, also for the crop 2021, has obtained the important certificate of validation by the certification body CCPB SRL which...

16.12.2020 - LCA certification barley Crop 2020

At the end of the evaluation process we are proud to announce that Agroalimentare Sud, also for the crop 2020, has obtained the important certificate of validation by the certification body CCPB SRL which certifies as the...

19.12.2019 - LCA certification barley Crop 2019

At the end of the evaluation process we are proud to announce that Agroalimentare Sud, also for the crop 2019, has obtained the important certificate of validation by the certification body CCPB SRL which certifies as the...

18.01.2019 - Sustainability in Agroalimentare Sud

To achieve the goal of producing 100% of malt using malting barley from sustainable agriculture, Agroalimentare Sud decided to share and adopt the same concepts as the SAI Platform (Sustainable Agriculture Initiative...

14.12.2018 - Adriatica S.p.A. - Energy Efficiency of Companies

Agroalimentare Sud has undertaken an energy efficiency project in order to reduce the energy consumption of the Melfi plant thanks to the application of the best available technologies. The interventions, which concern...

12.04.2018 - Agroalimentare Sud e Quality Certification_Transition to new standardo ISO

With a view to the continuous improvement necessary to guarantee high quality standards to be offered to all interested parties, Agroalimentare Sud has successfully completed the transition procedure to the new ISO 9001:...

02.03.2015 - Agroalimentare Sud and EXPO 2015

Through one of our assets engaged in research and plant genetic breeding of plant species, gathering good researchers and laboratories entered into a global quality system, Agroalimentare Sud S.p.A. is confirmed as a...

17.12.2014 - Agroalimentare Sud and the Environment

In order to realize the commitment and sensitivity to the issues of environmental protection that have always characterized the business conduct, Agroalimentare Sud S.p.A. has developed, in collaboration with the company...

05.06.2014 - Agroalimentare Sud is member of SAI Platform

In June 2014, was accepted the candidacy of Agroalimentare Sud S.p.A. as a member of the SAI (Sustainable Agriculture Initiative) Platform, the leading nonprofit organization for agribusinesses that promotes and supports...

30.05.2014 - New Product_Wheat Malt

Recently, Agroalimentare Sud S.p.A. has expanded the range of malts available inserting permanently in production the wheat malt. This type of special malt comes from malting wheat variety Sirtaki produced exclusively on...

04.07.2013 - Our products get everywhere....

... even on Mars!   That Solehio is the best wheat variety is so well-known that even aliens have come to visit the Mulino dal Col field, still faithful to our products with the ISTA brand.

20.06.2012 - Takeover

Agroalimentare Sud S.p.A. has recently taken over IVS S.r.l. from Lodi, a primary research company working in genetic breeding of vegetable species located in the Parco Tecnologico Padano in Lodi, with first-class...

04.05.2012 - CIBUS_Parma 2012

From 7 to 10 May 2012 Agroalimentare Sud S.p.A. shall be present at the 16th edition of CIBUS (Hall 5 Stand N 022), the international food exhibition held at Parma Exhibition Centre. CIBUS confirms to be the reference...

03.05.2012 - Restyling of the Company's website

From today it is possible to explore the new Agroalimentare Sud S.p.A. company site. There are some institutional sections with the information about the company’s organization, production and more recent news. It is also...

03.05.2012 - Restyling of Company's brochures

From today the new brochures are available on the Company’s website, with reviewed content and look. It is possible to download from the site the general brochure with information on the Company’s profile and the three...